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Correct Use and Maintenance of Round Slings

Time: 2023-12-09 Source: Synthetic Fiber Slings Author: Cruise
The round webbing sling produced by DMSLING has certain requirements in terms of usage and maintenance. When using the round sling, or endless sling, it is important to pay attention to the following points to ensure the safety of life and property.

1.When selecting the characteristics of round slings, consider the required load-bearing capacity, including the method of installation and the nature of the cargo to be hoisted. The size, shape, and weight of the load, as well as the intended lifting method, working environment, and condition of the load surface, all influence the correct selection.

2.Depending on the lifting type, the chosen round webbing slings must possess adequate strength and the correct working length. If multiple slings are needed to lift the load, identical round slings must be selected. The material of the slings should not be adversely affected by the environment or the load. Also, pay attention to additional accessories and lifting equipment compatible with the round slings.

3.Round webbing slings must never be overloaded; the correct lifting factor must be applied. The label may indicate the load capacities for multiple lifting types. In multi-strand round slings, the maximum vertical inclination angle should not be exceeded.

4.Only verified lifting techniques should be used. Plan the lifting, hoisting, and placement processes before starting to hoist, lift, or place the load.

5.Round slings or endless slings must be properly placed and securely fixed on the load. They should be installed in a way that flattens the load and ensures even force distribution across the entire width of the sling. Round slings should never be knotted or twisted. Take care to prevent label damage by keeping it away from the load, hooks, and ropes.

6.For multi-strand slings, the load-bearing values are determined based on the assumption of uniform load distribution. This means that during load lifting, each strand of the round sling should symmetrically be in the same plane and connected to the vertical line at the same angle. In three-strand round slings arranged in the same plane but not symmetrically, the highest tension occurs in the strand with the largest sum of angles with adjacent strands. The same applies to four-strand round slings, considering load rigidity (for rigid loads, most of the load will be borne by only three or even two strands, while the remaining strands are for balance). 

7.Round webbing slings must be protected against sharp edges, friction, and abrasion, whether on the load or the lifting equipment. If protective measures against edge damage or abrasion are part of the round sling, these protective devices must be correctly installed. Additional protection may sometimes be necessary.

8.Secure the load using lifting tools to prevent it from overturning or slipping out of the round sling or endless sling during lifting. The lifting tools should be installed so that the hook's base is directly at the load's center of gravity, ensuring stability and balance. If the load's center of gravity is not below the hook's base, the endless sling might slip at the hook's base. When using paired endless slings, using a spreader bar is advisable to ensure each strand hangs as vertically as possible, evenly distributing the load among the strands. When using an endless sling for choking, it should be installed to form a natural choking angle (120°) and avoid generating heat through friction. Never force the position of the endless sling, and never attempt to re-choker. The correct method for securing a load with a double choke is depicted in the following diagram. A double choke provides greater safety and prevents the load from slipping out of the endless sling.

9.Ensure the safety of personnel during lifting. Personnel in danger zones must be informed about ongoing lifting operations and, if necessary, vacate the danger zone. Keep hands and body parts away from the round sling while tightening it to avoid injury.

10.Perform a trial lift. When the round sling or endless sling hangs, adjust it until it is taut. The load should only be raised to a lower height to check whether it is securely fixed and in the intended position. This is especially crucial for transitional chokers or other loosely secured methods where the load is held by friction. If there's a risk of the load tipping, set it down and reposition the fixings. Repeat the trial lift process until the load's stability is ensured.

11.Maintain control over the load during lifting; prevent unintended rotations or collisions with other objects. Avoid sudden and/or excessive loads as they increase the risk of pressure on the round sling or endless sling. The load or the round sling must not be dragged on the ground or rough surfaces.

12.When lowering the load, the endless sling should not be abruptly stopped. If the load is on the sling, do not attempt to pull the sling out from under the load. After lifting operations, the round sling must be stored correctly.

13.If not in use, store the round sling in a clean, dry, well-ventilated environment, at ambient temperature, away from heat sources, chemicals, smoke, corrosive surfaces, direct sunlight, or other sources of ultraviolet radiation.

14.When round slings or endless slings are wet during use or after cleaning, they must be hung up and air-dried naturally. 


The round webbing slings produced by DMSLING come with labels and are manufactured in strict accordance with European standards, which have been certified by TUV/GS. Our slogan is "safety is the first priority"! If you want to know more details about DMSLING's products, please kindly let us know!

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