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Proper Selection and Use of A Flat Webbing Sling

Time: 2023-12-08 Source: Synthetic Fiber Slings Author: Cruise
When selecting DMSLING's lifting slings made from man-made fibers, consideration should be given to the required working load limit, taking into account the mode of use and the nature of the load to be lifted.

flat webbing sling, lifting slings, dmsling

Avoid Overloading:

Utilize the correct mode factor; some modes may specify working load limits on the label.

For multi-leg slings, do not exceed the maximum angle to the vertical.

Follow Good Slinging Practices:

Plan slinging, lifting, and lowering operations before initiating the lift.

Positioning and Attachment of Slings:

Properly position and attach flat woven webbing slings to the load in a safe manner.

Ensure slings are placed on the load for uniform loading across their width, avoiding knots or twists.

Stitching should never be placed over hooks or lifting devices; instead, it should always be in the standing part of the lifting sling.

Prevent damage to labels by keeping them away from the load, hooks, and choke angles.

Symmetrical Loading in Multi-leg Slings:

WLL values are determined based on symmetrical loading of the webbing sling assembly.

Uneven plan disposition of legs in multi-leg slings may lead to greater tension in certain legs, particularly when angles are not equal.

Protection and Securing:

Protect flat webbing slings from edges, friction, and abrasion, either from the load or lifting equipment.

Ensure correct positioning of reinforcements and protection against damage from edges or abrasion.

Secure the load with the sling(s) to prevent toppling or falling during the lift.

Load Balancing and Stability:

Position flat webbing slings to lift directly above the load's center of gravity for balance and stability.

Consider using a spreader for paired slings to hang legs as vertically as possible, ensuring equal load distribution.

When using a basket hitch, ensure load security as there is no gripping action like with a choke hitch.

flat webbing sling, lifting slings, dmsling

Choke Hitch and Positioning:

Position flat webbing slings for a natural (120°) angle in choke hitch, avoiding heat generation from friction.

Never force a webbing sling into position or attempt to tighten the bite unnaturally.

Properly secure a load in a double choke hitch for increased security and prevention of load sliding through the sling.

Personnel Safety:

Take precautions to ensure the safety of personnel during the lift.

Warn individuals in the danger area about the operation and evacuate if necessary.

Keep hands and other body parts away from the sling to prevent injury during tensioning.

Trial Lift:

Conduct a trial lift by taking up slack until the sling is taut.

Raise the load slightly to check for security and the intended position, especially crucial for basket or loose hitches.

If the load tilts, lower it and reposition attachments; repeat the trial lift until load stability is ensured.

Controlled Lifting:

Exercise care during the lift to control the load and prevent accidental rotation or collision with other objects.

Avoid snatch or shock loading, as it increases forces acting on the sling.

Do not drag the load or the sling over the ground or rough surfaces.

Controlled Lowering:

Lower the load in an equally controlled manner as when lifted.

Avoid trapping the sling during lowering.

The load should not rest on the sling to prevent damage, and pulling the sling from beneath the load when it rests on it should not be attempted.

Storage and Maintenance:

After the lifting operation, store the lifting sling properly.

Store lifting slings in clean, dry, well-ventilated conditions at ambient temperature, on a rack, away from heat sources, chemicals, fumes, corrodible surfaces, direct sunlight, or other sources of ultraviolet radiation.

Post-Use Inspection:

Before storage, inspect lifting slings for any damage that may have occurred during use.

Damaged slings should never be returned to storage.

Chemical Exposure:

If lifting slings come into contact with acids and/or alkalis, dilute with water or neutralize with suitable media before storage.

Depending on sling material and chemicals used, consult the factory or dealers for additional cleaning recommendations after chemical exposure.

Drying Wet Slings:

Synthetic slings that become wet during use or cleaning should be hung up and allowed to dry naturally.

flat webbing sling, lifting slings, dmsling

If you want to know more details about flat webbing slings produced by DMSLING, please kindly contact us.



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